Thursday, March 16, 2017


I think that if you added videos to watch instead of just reading for the Myth-folklore class like the Epics of India it would be good. Sometimes it gets boring to read and if you had videos to watch it makes it more interesting and captures out attention. Plus it is also easier to understand some of the harder stuff since we can see it. I liked having some videos option in the Epics of India class, it made hings easier and I definitely enjoyed having those options.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Shruti, you are working so far ahead; my apologies for not having even thought to revise that assignment for Week 15 already. I was going to change it up some for the Spring semester, but you got way ahead of me. About the videos: Unfortunately for this class there is nothing like Epified TV which is where all those amazing videos come from for the Indian Epics class. I keep hoping someday I will find something as good as Epified TV for the content in the Myth-Folklore class. It is amazing, isn't it? And it's pretty new; last year was the first year I had videos like that for Indian Epics! I sometimes worry that they might just disappear from YouTube someday... but I sure am glad for them as long as they last. :-)
