Monday, January 30, 2017

Reading Post B: Ovid's Metamorphoses

Ovid's Metamorphoses  (Book 5-7) by Tony Kline (2000)

I could talk about how Tereus raped his sister in law and then cut off her tongue. He then hid her in a tower and told his wife that she had died. Her sister weaved a tapestry and sent it to her sister. On it Philomela showed exactly what happened to her. Her sister saved her and they decided to get back at Tereus. She killed her son and made him into a soup to feed Tereus. Once he ate it she showed him his head and ran away with her sister with him following them

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Reading Posts A

Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 5-7 by Tony Kline

I could write about the weaving competition between Athena and Arachne. How she thought she was better than everyone including Athena. How she put all the crimes of the gods on the tapestry while Athena put the beginning of Athens. They were both beautiful but her hubris was too great of a crime to be ignored and got turned into a spider to weave webs for the rest of her life.

I could also write the story of how Persephone was kidnapped by Pluto and no one told Demeter what actually happened. The way she wondered the world looking for her daughter and how all the crops of the earth were dying because she refused to do her job in her grief. The way she got tricked into eating three seeds of pomegranate and had to stay in the underworld for 3 months because of it. This is why we have winter for three 3 months and the changing of the seasons.
Arachne & Athena

Reading Notes

Ovid's Metamorphoses (Books 8-10) by Tony Kline 

The father and son duo were trapped inside their own labyrinth. After Theseus managed to escape Minos trapped the two of them inside the maze forever and that was their punishment. Daedalus decides to escape by the sea since that is the one thing that Minos has no control over. He made wings for himself and his son out of wax and feathers. He warned his son to not fly too high or the sun would melt the wax. Another warning was to not fly too close to the sea or the water would cause the feathers to become damp. Icarus chose not to listen to his father and in his high of flying  flew too close to the sun and fell to his death in the sea. 

I could even write about Philemon and Baucis. They were the only ones in the town to offer shelter to Zeus and Hermes. The two of them approached hundred of homes but everyone refused. These two however accepted them and treated them in the best way they could. They offered them the best food and drinks that they had and made them feel comfortable. 

Feedback Thoughts

5 Tips for taking Feedback like a Champ
I think it is very true when the article said that we tend to avoid negative situations. I personally do not like being put on the spot and having people list or talk about my bad habits. I think it is good to be uncomfortable though it means that you have space to grow in that situation. I have given feedback and received it as well sometimes it was not so good and in other places it was.

Overcoming the Fear of Feedback
I think people get so afraid of feedback is because they believe that it defines you instead of just that one aspect. People tend to make it into a bigger problem than it usually is and just overthink things which is why it is harder to change your mindset on things.

7 Key Characteristics of Better Learning Feedback
I think the best type of feedback identifies the problem at hand and helps in fixing it as well. Giving someone ways to overcome their issues is more helpful than just saying that what you did was wrong. Chances are if they made the mistake the first time it is because they did not know better and if you still do not give them suggestions then they will repeat that same mistake again.

Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback that Fosters a Growth Mindset
When people are in the right mindset they know that it is not just the way things are. IF you work hard and something and continue doing so you will be able to master the subject. The effort is just as important as doing the work. If you show people what they are doing then they can identify the problem themselves and may be able to solve it too.

Image result for feedback

Monday, January 16, 2017

Storytelling: Pyramus & Thisbe

The two lovers had never met in real life. There were no phone calls, email, letters, or even text messages exchanged between the two. The only way for them to communicate with each other was through the crack in the wall that looked like it had formed just for the two of them. No one knew about the crack and the kids had only discovered it by accident while they were playing. Even their parents did not approve of them being together because the families did not get along so they devised a plan one night.

She had gone into the room in the corner of their house to pick up the ball that had fallen there. There were boxes everywhere in the dusty old room, and it looked like no one had been in there for years. Old chairs and books were covered in a layer of dust. The cobwebs were hanging like ornaments in the ceiling and were surrounding the pillars like vines. There were little spiders crawling around in the room, and you could even hear the chirping of the crickets from the outside. It was dark and gloomy in there with only a small window for the moonlight to shine in. She finally noticed that her ball had gone under one of the chairs by the wall and the closer she got she noticed light coming from a little crack. When she looked into the crack she saw that it opened into another room and it looked like it was a boy's room. His room had a small bed with a lantern next to it. There was a table with a chair on the side of the room, along with toys that were scattered throughout the room. There were wooden cars and little trains. She was surprised and amazed by the boy that appeared to be a couple of years older than her. He was playing with his toys on the floor when she called out to him. She was curious as to who he was. She had heard from her parents that a boy lived next door but she had never seen him before.

Thisbe: Hi.

*He appeared to be very confused and looked around for a few seconds before going back to his toys.*

Thisbe: Hey, I am by the wall.

*He looked even more confused and then went towards the wall. It took him a couple more seconds before he finally noticed her. It surprised him that he had never seen this crack before.*

Pyramus: Who are you? What is going on? What is your name?

Thisbe: I am the girl living next door to you. I was looking for my ball when I saw the crack and found you through it. My name is Thisbe. What is your name?

Pyramus: My name is Pyramus.

This is how they first met and after talking for a couple of hours they decided to talk again the next day. This continued for a long time, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years. They were growing up and before they knew it their friendship had turned into love. The constant talking and sharing everything about them made them realize just how much they meant to each other. They could not live without talking to the other even for a day.
Once Thisbe was seventeen and Pyramus was twenty they decided to tell their parents about the other so they could finally be together. It did not matter to them that they had never really seen each other. They had a strong emotional connection and they knew they wanted to be together forever. Their parents were against it as they did not get along with each other at all. They told their children to stop talking to each other and made plans to cover the crack in the wall as soon as possible. They met again that night before their parents could seal their way of communication forever.

Thisbe: What are we going to do now? Our parents have forbidden us from ever seeing each other again. They are even planning to seal this crack forever.

Pyramus: I have a plan.

Thisbe: What is it? Oh please tell me soon. I cannot wait any longer.

Pyramus: We can run away tomorrow night away from our parents and be together forever. We can spend the rest of our lives together. Meet me tomorrow after nightfall under the mulberry tree by the forest and the grave of Ninus.

Thisbe: I will meet you there but I am going to miss my parents. Will I ever be able to see them again? I think this might be our only chance to be together and hopefully after our parents will understand why we did this.

I wanted to stop here and have everyone imagine their own endings.

Author's Note: This is the story of Pyramus and Thisbe from Ovid's Metamorphoses. The original story talked about how the two met and how they decided to run away together. It also had the part about what happened to them once they did run away and how they met their tragic end. In the original story she hid from a lioness that had been hunting but Pyramus mistook the blood to be hers and killed himself. She also ended up killing herself from the same sword as he did. In my story I decided to explain the back story and how they met for the first time. I ended the story with their plan instead of how their story actually ends. I chose this picture because it shows the tree that they decided to meet at and how that place became the place of their end. This picture was also really pretty to look at, and some of the other images they had gave away the ending. It was also a bit too violent to use and did not go with the flow of my story. I did not want to include their death in my story so instead I just left it before that part so every can imagine their own ending to this story.

Ovid's Metamorphoses : Pyramus & Thisbe by Tony Kline (2000)

Image result for mulberry tree pyramus and thisbe
Mulberry Tree  By Vincent Van Gogh (1889)

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 1-4: Reading Notes B

I could also write about Pyramus and Thisbe and how they met through he crack in the wall. They fell in love and finally decided to meet each other for the first time. She got scared and hit from the lion and he ended up killing himself because he thought it was he blood that he was seeing. She killed herself from the same sword because her love was dead. They both ended up dying without ever meeting each other because of their love. 

Ovid's Metamorphoses translated by Tony Kline 
                           Pyramus & Thisbe

Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 1-4: Reading Notes A

I could write about Phaethon and how he felt seeing his father for the first time. It could also be written from his fathers point of view to give up an idea of when he was driving the chariot around the earth. About how Zeus had to finally step in and throw a thunderbolt at him to stop the destruction that was happening all around him.

Ovid's Metamorphoses translated by Tony Kline
The Sun god & His Chariot

Tech Tip: Weather

I added a weather gadget onto my blog because I wanted to try it out. This way I can have the weather on there anytime and it is easy to check too. It was not that hard to do either, the instructions were all there and very easy to understand

Famous Last Words: First Week

This is the first week of this class so we are just getting to know how the course works and what we are expected to do for it. Just orientation stuff and setting things up so it is not too bad or busy yet. The class has not even officially started yet so things are also easier because of that. I decided to start earl while I still have the time for it and try to finish this class ahead of time. I did that last semester and it was a huge help during dead week and finals week when I was trying to study for some of my harder classes. Hopefully I can keep this going even during the semester so it is not as stressful and busy as it is already going to be.  This was a bit overwhelming at first because there is so much to do everyday and even in one week but as I kept doing the assignments I realized that this is not hard just a little time consuming. So the best thing to do for this class is to plan ahead, take time out of your schedule for it, and to do the extra credit so if you do happen to miss something it is not so bad. You would have a little wiggle room because of the extra points and if you do not miss any assignments and do the extra work then you will get done early and it is one less thing to worry about later on.  Image result for last words

Growth Mindset

I heard about Carol Dweck and the concept of growth mindset last semester in the Epics of India class. I think that it is a good idea or mindset to have. If you make a mistake, then learn from it and figure out what you did wrong. Instead of giving up try to make it better next time and learn instead of forgetting about it. If you do not learn from your mistakes then you are probably going to continue making them again and again since you never got anything out of them during the first round. I don’t really have any goals other than to learn things from all my classes so I get something out of all of them.

Learning: Cat

Time Strategies

I read the how to beat procrastination and I would it very useful. I always take forever in starting something and feel like I have more time so I can get it done later, but sometimes I just have to rush. This semester I am trying to finish this class early, last semester I did the same for the other class and it saved so much of my time at the end of the semester during finals week. I just have to start and it gets easier to just keep going after that. I have started working ahead in this class so later on when my other classes get busy I can have more time. The extra credit is a big help too and with them I can get some more time later on too. I like the idea of reading ahead and doing an extra post for it too so I have an idea of what I can do for the week after that. I started doing that at the end of last semester and I liked the way it was going so I might try that again this semester too
Image result for working ahead

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Reading Options

story illustration

I think for week 2 and 3 I will stick with reading Ovid's Metamorphoses but I am not sure on which unit yet. I like reading about greek/roman mythology so reading these will be informative and fun.
Ovid's Metamorphoses

For week 4 and 5 I could read about ancient Egypt and the Ramayana. I can learn about Ancient Egyptians and another spin of the Ramayana. I have read stories about both subjects but I think I can learn more about the 2 from these readings.
Week 4/5

I think for week 6 I will read about the Monkey King, that seems like a good way into the Chinese culture. This will give me a more in-depth look at them too. I have never heard or read stories about them so this would help me out.
Week 6

Storybook Favorites

Storybook 1

Right from the title I knew that it had to do with Greek mythology and so I chose to click onto the storybook. I was not wrong, I am familiar with the topic since I took a classical mythology class last semester. The introduction did a fantastic job of letting me know that it was going to tell me stories about some goddess, a love story, and Atlas. It was very specific in that manner and I have always been interested in this topic so it made it easier to read too. The font seemed ancient and it was designed in a good manner. The stories were easy to find and not confusing at all. Overall I liked the approach of this storybook

Storybook 2

This second story also had to do with the Greek mythology and that was also easy to guess from the title. I chose to open it and I was not disappointed by what I found. It is about Hera and from the introduction it seems like it is going to be about Zeus and his exploits at being unfaithful to his wife. The design of this storybook is more of a dark, somber, and old mobsters movie look going for it. I feel like it fits Hera's character in this storybook from what I have read so far.

This story was different than the previous two and I only clicked on it because it was about elephants and they are my favorite. The introduction did a good job of telling me that it is going to be about a father telling his children bedtime stories, which I personally found endearing. The design of it was light and colorful which suits the childlike wonder and storytelling part. I have not read anything after the introduction so I do not know what happens but I like the way the introduction was written. 

My Introduction

Where do I even start. Let’s see, I’m a microbiology major. I love watching movies, spending time with my friends, it doesn’t really matter what we do. I also like watching TV shows like friends, Grey’s Anatomy, the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Suits, Modern Family, and I like watching this Spanish soap opera, El Internado. I got into it in high school when we watched it in my Spanish class and I still enjoy watching it. Although I’m not fluent in Spanish I do understand a lot of it and the English subtitles help. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pets because my mom is not a huge fan, I still play with my friends’ dogs any chance I get, because let’s face it dogs are just adorable. I love Italian food so I tend to go there a lot. I’m learning how to cook so I try random recipes I find on the internet that I like, and so far they’re pretty food. I can make some Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Indian and Indo-Chinese food. I enjoy watching sports, especially football so during football season I’m always watching some sort of game. I love zip lining, river rafting, swimming, tubing, jet skiing. I haven’t been sky diving or para sailing but I would love to go at least once. Traveling is also a huge part of my life, my goal is to go to all 50 states. So far I have only been to 25 states so 25 more to go, and I’ve been to 4 countries including the United States. If I had an extra day for fun I would spent half of it with my family and the other half with my friends. I also like dancing which is why I have started performing at OU in the Indian cultural nights that we have.
Personal Photo: Grand Canyon (2013)

Week 1 Story: The Trip to Remember

I was on a vacation with my friends at a cabin in the woods, since we had decided we wanted to just relax over break. The first thing we did was decide on taking a walk through the woods so explore and to figure out what’s around us. The first thing we ran into was find a said Temple of Doom. We had no idea what that meant so we decided to go exploring and see what turns up. There was a trap door that sent a boulder behind us but we ended up running into a hallway on the side and escaping that. After that we found a tunnel to leave and popped back up at the spooky tree. The tree looked like it had been growing for hundreds of years and it had these creepy vines all around it. The air in that area was also thicker which made it harder to breath and it was fogy so it really gave it an eerie feeling. We ended up going back to our cabin since we had seen more than enough and explored a lot. This place was a lot quieter than we thought and the opposite of what we were hoping to achieve with this trip. In the morning we had breakfast and made a picnic basket to go on a picnic somewhere in the woods, hoping to not run into anything scarier than our previous day. So we walked and we walked until we found a nice open area to sit at and enjoy the nature. We sat around just talking and eating when we heard a strange sound. None of us knew what it could be, we just thought that maybe we were just hearing things and thought nothing of it. Until we heard something coming from the trees and it sounded big. It turns out it was a bear rummaging the forest for food. As soon as we saw him we ran with the bear following us. We went everywhere we could to get away from that bear and ended up splitting up. Somehow we lost the bear from our trial and made it back to the cabin at the end of the day. Once we were all there we decided to just leave this place and never come back. We packed all of our stuff within the next hour, got into our car and took off never to come back.

Cabin in the Woods Log Cabin

Authors Note: I used the map to create my story of the strange things that are found in the woods. 

Bibliography. "Map of the Area Surrounding our Holiday Home," a cartoon by Tom Gauld from his book ROBOTS, MONSTERS Etc. Map

My Favorite Place: Bahamas

I've been to the Bahamas on a cruise but I did not get to stay there the last time we went. I will be going again next December and staying that the Atlantis hotel so I'm hoping to go to their resort this time. 

The Atlantis Hotel and Resort
Photographer Konrad Herrman (April 10, 2015) Flickr

I love going to the beach and taking lots of pictures so the minute we got to this beach I had to take this. We spent all day there just playing in the water, going jet skiing, and swimming. 

Personal Photo Nassau Bahamas (July 2015)

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Test Blog

I am trying to create a blog again