Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Introduction

Where do I even start. Let’s see, I’m a microbiology major. I love watching movies, spending time with my friends, it doesn’t really matter what we do. I also like watching TV shows like friends, Grey’s Anatomy, the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Suits, Modern Family, and I like watching this Spanish soap opera, El Internado. I got into it in high school when we watched it in my Spanish class and I still enjoy watching it. Although I’m not fluent in Spanish I do understand a lot of it and the English subtitles help. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pets because my mom is not a huge fan, I still play with my friends’ dogs any chance I get, because let’s face it dogs are just adorable. I love Italian food so I tend to go there a lot. I’m learning how to cook so I try random recipes I find on the internet that I like, and so far they’re pretty food. I can make some Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Indian and Indo-Chinese food. I enjoy watching sports, especially football so during football season I’m always watching some sort of game. I love zip lining, river rafting, swimming, tubing, jet skiing. I haven’t been sky diving or para sailing but I would love to go at least once. Traveling is also a huge part of my life, my goal is to go to all 50 states. So far I have only been to 25 states so 25 more to go, and I’ve been to 4 countries including the United States. If I had an extra day for fun I would spent half of it with my family and the other half with my friends. I also like dancing which is why I have started performing at OU in the Indian cultural nights that we have.
Personal Photo: Grand Canyon (2013)


  1. What a beautiful photo of the Grand Canyon, Shruti! I grew up in Tucson and Arizona is one of my favorite places; there's a California and the Old Southwest unit coming up in the Native American part of the class, so maybe you will want to learn some legends from that part of the country. As you've already figured out, that is what makes this class so different from the Indian Epics class: people will be reading stories from different traditions all over the world, based on your interests. And that includes India too, of course! I am excited to see which directions you will want to explore in this class. And definitely let me know if there are Indian cultural events coming up that I can include in the announcements this semester, esp. if you are performing! Announcements connected with actual people from class are always the most fun to share. :-)

  2. Shruti! You sound like you know how to have fun. I noticed that we have a lot of overlapping interests; I, too, like a lot of outdoor adventures and have also recently started cooking more in hopes of becoming a better cook. I haven't tried too much in the way of indian or chinese food, though, I guess I better start! Mexican and Chinese food are my favorite cuisines, personally. I've been sky diving a few times before and I think you'd love it! I'd recommend taking the class and just going by yourself instead of doing tandem!

  3. Hey Shruti, sounds like you know how to have fun! I've always wanted to go parasailing and skydiving as well, so hopefully I get to check that off my bucket list sometime soon. Your picture of the Grand Canyon is awesome! I went to Arizona this past winter break for a wedding, but I didn't get a chance to stop by the Grand Canyon unfortunately. Once I finish school and start my career, my plan is to travel much more and experience the world. I feel like there's just so much to see out there! Anyways, nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more posts from you!

  4. Hey Shruti! I would love to try sky diving at some point in my life. I just don’t think I will ever get the courage to go through with it. That’s a little too intense for me. I also love watching football, and making different kinds of food. I am so jealous of your traveling. I have definitely not been anywhere close to 25 states, but I really hope to visit all 50 states at some point in my life.

  5. You sound like such an exciting person! I haven't been river rafting or ski diving but really want to go! Parasailing is so much fun though! I did it to get over my fear of falling/heights. I too love to travel and have lived in china for 4 years, and spent most my childhood in mexico. I love dogs more than I love people, usually when I'm spending time with my family our dogs out number people. WE do a lot of fostering through the humane society.

  6. Seems from your introduction that you are a pretty big outdoor person which is awesome. I did zip lining last year when I was in Mexico, so I definitely recommend doing it whenever the opportunity comes up. Sky diving though, that is a little more than I can usually handle due to not being a real big fan of heights at all. The Grand Canyon is an awesome place and I really hope I am able to make a trip there one day in the future.

  7. Hello Shruti! I understand your struggle about not being able to have a pet, I finally got one ever since I moved out of my parents house and it's great! I love food too and Italian is one of my favorite cuisines. I also enjoy Indian food very much because I lived in Kuwait and there cuisine is heavily influenced by Indian food. I hope you achieve your goal of visiting all 50 states it will definitely be an interesting journey!

  8. What's up, Shruti? It's nice to see you are well-traveled! One of my favorite things to do when visiting other countries is trying the various indigenous dishes. Have you ever had haggis, a Scottish delicacy, before? It's so good.

    I've been parasailing once on of my family's many Summer trips to Florida. It was a bit scary since I have a fear of falling from insane heights, but once you realize you have a safety harness holding you in place, it's easy to enjoy the amazing view.

    On soap operas, I don't think they're really my thing. Whenever Days of Our Lives comes on, I find myself more annoyed by the melodramatic score and acting, and the dramatic structure of the story is equally grating for me. I tend to veer more towards animated stories. Do you have any favorites? I greatly enjoy many Cartoon Network classics like Ed, Edd, n Eddy, Samurai Jack, and The Powerpuff Girls.

  9. Hi Shruti! It looks like you've got a really active life haha. I've never done any of the things you've listed (besides swimming), but I'll have to put jet skiing as well as river rafting on my bucket list. Really neat that you're planning on travelling to every state, and impressive that you're already halfway through! Good luck with your travelling goal!

  10. Hey Shruti! I think it's awesome how you have so many hobbies. I haven't ever heard of the show, El Internado, but that seems like a great way to develop your skills in a different language. I also like to cook and try new recipes! It sounds like you are a lot better than I am though.. haha. I hope that eventually you are able to reach your goal by visiting 50 states. I wonder which one has been your favorite so far?

  11. Hi Shruti! It sounds like you have so many fun hobbies. I can relate on loving to spend time with family and friends, I absolutely love hanging around the people in my life even if we are sitting around doing nothing. I also love to travel, I have been to a lot of states as well, but I have never left the country. My goal is to leave the country this summer on a vacation. I also love the bachelor, friends and Grey's Anatomy, I'll have to try Suits!

  12. I kind of love the idea of getting hooked on a Spanish soap opera! They're so dramatic and kind of corny (the ones I've seen, at least) that it's hard not to enjoy. I've heard it's the same with K-dramas and some of the cornier Bollywood films. But I don't know Spanish or anything, so I guess I'm stuck wondering!

    Nice to meet you!

  13. I have always wanted to get hooked on a Spanish soap opera! I feel like I would constantly be intrigued. They would just get you hooked and you would have to know what happened! I feel like I would just laugh the entire time! It was great getting to know you! Good luck for the rest of the semester!

  14. Hi! My roommate is also a microbiology major! She’s interested in vet school, though. It’s so nice to meet you. I love Modern Family. It’s one of my favorite shows to veg out on. I also think it’s great that you watch spanish soap operas! I used to have to watch them for my spanish class. They were a lot of fun. I, too, love to cook and experiment with new recipes. I love all kinds of food.

  15. Hi Shruti! It's really good to get to know you. I love movies and friends as well. I've never watched a Spanish soap opera for very long, but they sound interesting. I have watched The Road to El Dorado in Spanish and that was pretty fun because my sister and I made up our own dialogue. That's very cool that you've been to 25 states already. I would also love to go to every state, and any country I can. I love to travel. You sound like a lot of fun and I'm excited to read your stories.

  16. Hi! I love that you watch a Spanish soap opera. I also study Spanish, but I am most definitely not fluent. Does watching the show help with your listening and speaking? I definitely need to work on that. I also love dogs! They are absolutely the best and I can't wait until I can have one. I also love cooking! I mostly cook Chinese food or random recipes. I also hope to visit all 50 states (and all the countries if I can). Traveling is so much fun. That's really cool that you perform at the cultural nights too! I've always wanted to go to India Night but something always comes up.

  17. Shruti, it is nice to meet you! It is awesome that you like Modern Family. That is one of my favorite shows besides The Office. I really wish it would come out on Netflix though… I too am a huge traveler. I have never really made all of the states a goal but I think I might. I have been to a few less than you so I am a little behind though. Good luck this semester and in your future career!

  18. Hi, Shruti! I love that you watch Spanish soap operas. That reminds me of the show Jane the Virgin. Have you seen it? Good for you for learning how to cook all of those different styles of food- I'm sure that comes in handy! I am not a good cook at all so I am pretty jealous you have cultivated such a skill. What countries have you visited? I also am trying to travel to all 50 states...I think I've been to 25 as well so I hope you are able to visit them all. Best of luck this semester!

  19. Hey Shruti, I'm also a Microbiology major. You watch Grey's Anatomy? That's my favorite of any T.V. show! It's so addicting, though it's been on for so long now. Also, I definitely agree that dog's are adorable. :) You're halfway to your goal of all 50 states, how cool! Anyways, I wish I was good at cooking so many different things. I'm glad someone is! Good luck this semester!

  20. Hey Shruti! It's nice to meet you! I also love watching spanish soap operas! They are so entertaining and great practice for understanding spanish! Are you minoring in spanish or just learning on your own? I think it's awesome that you've done so much and visited so many places! I hope you get to visit all 50 states! Good luck on the rest of this semester!

  21. Hi Shruti!! Wow you have a lot to share! That's awesome that you're a microbio major, what are plans career wise with that degree? I know people who major in that and think of just about anything to do for work. I, too, love watching movies and T.V. shows and of all that you listed, I've only kept up with Grey's Anatomy. If you like the drama, you should try 13 Reasons Why on Netflix; it's basically the big hype going around right now and it lives up to it. As for cooking, I think that's amazing that you can cook. Though college calls for people to learn to cook, I still have yet to figure it out. I wish I could travel to as many states as you have, as well as countries! I've only been to Canada and a few states here and there. I love to travel too so I hope I can reach as many places before I get too old! It was so nice meeting you!

  22. Hi, Shruti! Oh my gosh, yes I love Grey’s Anatomy too! I used to keep up with the Bachelor/Bachelorette as well. I also play with my friend’s dogs as much as possible haha. Someday we’ll own our own pups! I hope you reach your goal of going to all 50 states. May your future be filled of adventures and fun!

  23. Hi Shruti,
    I love to travel as well! I think it’s cool that you are trying to visit all 50 states. That’s a really cool goal. I may have only been to 5 states tops! I don’t travel that much, but this summer I get to go on a family vacation. We are going to Scotland which I am super excited about!
