Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Feedback Thoughts

5 Tips for taking Feedback like a Champ
I think it is very true when the article said that we tend to avoid negative situations. I personally do not like being put on the spot and having people list or talk about my bad habits. I think it is good to be uncomfortable though it means that you have space to grow in that situation. I have given feedback and received it as well sometimes it was not so good and in other places it was.

Overcoming the Fear of Feedback
I think people get so afraid of feedback is because they believe that it defines you instead of just that one aspect. People tend to make it into a bigger problem than it usually is and just overthink things which is why it is harder to change your mindset on things.

7 Key Characteristics of Better Learning Feedback
I think the best type of feedback identifies the problem at hand and helps in fixing it as well. Giving someone ways to overcome their issues is more helpful than just saying that what you did was wrong. Chances are if they made the mistake the first time it is because they did not know better and if you still do not give them suggestions then they will repeat that same mistake again.

Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback that Fosters a Growth Mindset
When people are in the right mindset they know that it is not just the way things are. IF you work hard and something and continue doing so you will be able to master the subject. The effort is just as important as doing the work. If you show people what they are doing then they can identify the problem themselves and may be able to solve it too.

Image result for feedback

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