Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Growth Mindset

I heard about Carol Dweck and the concept of growth mindset last semester in the Epics of India class. I think that it is a good idea or mindset to have. If you make a mistake, then learn from it and figure out what you did wrong. Instead of giving up try to make it better next time and learn instead of forgetting about it. If you do not learn from your mistakes then you are probably going to continue making them again and again since you never got anything out of them during the first round. I don’t really have any goals other than to learn things from all my classes so I get something out of all of them.

Learning: Cat

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you made the perfect meme for this post! I was in the Epics of India class as well, and I feel that adopting this mindset allowed me to learn without qualms. I found that I took most things in a positive light rather than in a negative light as I used to take them.
